• Codesign with children

    Posted on enero 12, 2013 by admin in design.


    To start designing the game “Pico’s Adventure” we involved experts and children in the design process.Firstly we collaborared with the experts of the “Hospital Sant Joan de Deu”  to define the therapeutic goals and requirements; secondly, we carried out a participatory design with children to transform defined goals into an enjoyable playful experience.
    The main goals of including “children as co-designers” in the game were to gather new ideas from children and evaluate which aspects elicit higher level of motivation and interest in children.

    The workshop took place in the “Hospital Sant Joan de Deu“ on a weekly basis. The participants selected by the UETD professionals were four children how joined a total of five sessions, during which they were designing, discussing, drawing and experimenting with us in order to create an interesting and enjoyable game. The experience has been incredibly enriching both from the point of view of the research and the game design. We are very thankful to the “co-designer” children for their contributions!

    In case you want to know more information about the design process you can read:

    • Mora-Guiard, J., Malinverni, L., Pares, N., (2014) Narrative-Based Elicitation: Orchestrating Contributions from Experts and Children, in CHI ’14 Extended Abstracts Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Toronto, Canada
    • Malinverni, L., Mora-Guiard, J., Padillo, V., Mairena, M.A., Hervás, A., Pares, N., (2014) Participatory Design Strategies to Enhance the Creative Contribution of Children with Special Needs, in Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Interaction Design and Children, IDC2014, Aarhus, Denmark
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